Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Constitution Week 2014

So, today is the 227th anniversary of the U.S. Constitution.

I did not know that it was written in secret with guards outside the door.  I knew that George Washington established the first national Thanksgiving Day, but I didn't know that it was a way of giving thanks for the Constitution. (

Here at Gadsden State we have worn red, white, and blue, had discussions about immigration and social issues, and yes, we even read the Constitution.  We even complained about the switching of nouns from Citizen to Person.  Which did they really intend?

Students are quite amazing when you engage them with issues and open a dialog with them.  Many of them are willing to do the research, take the time to think, and really work at expressing their opinions in a thoughtful manner.  It's quite refreshing when you think of the political landscape today in is fractured state.  When did those elected officials forget how to stop and think and talk to each other?

There is one more day this week to share thoughts and information about the U.S. Constitution with our students.  Should we take a sample Naturalization Test or just have fun and make an Amendment Cootie Catcher.  Perhaps we should watch a Naturalization Ceremony and give thanks that we have the Constitution.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Getting on Board for a New School Year

Did we have get on board days back in the dark ages?  I don't know.  I think we wandered into the classroom and started to work.

I happen to like the idea of a special time to celebrate the beginning of the school year.  That way you know that your instructor isn't someone who stands inside the classroom and lectures for 45 minutes or so.  You get to see them eating popcorn, laughing, and gossiping with their fellow instructors.  

You also get a chance to glean a few new facts like it's good to graduate and have that piece of paper (and it's free).  

You find out that the library isn't a stuffy place with someone making those shushing noises at you.  The librarian is out there waiting for a chair massage and handing out popcorn.  Gasp!  Could the librarian be a PEOPLE? 

It's good to take a few minutes from the hectic pace of starting a semester and celebrate.  Take a moment; draw in a deep breath.  Look around you at the other students, faculty, and staff.  They are hopeful and wanting to have a good semester too.  See you on the 9th, and then we'll all get back to work making sure that everyone is moving forward to a good new life.